"This is my favorite car show of the year. If you plan to go to only one car show this year, this is the one to go to!"
~ Wild Bill Hill
Wild Bill's Metropolitan
When you envision a man covered, front to back, in tattoos, with long hair and a beard, the mind just naturally veers toward leather and motorcycles. But, a Nash Metropolitan? The automobile specifically marketed in the late 1950s to the ladies?
Wild Bill's Nash Metropolitan
"When I was 15, I had to walk by one every day on my way to school," recalls William Hill, better known internationally as magazine cover boy and tattoo artist "Wild Bill."
Along with the aforementioned motorcycle (a gleaming, 1966 Harley-Davidson Shovelhead), Hill also owns a vintage Porsche Spyder, an amphibious car, a 1932 Model A, and a 1915 Model T.
But the Nash Metropolitan was his first love.
"The Metropolitan, which retailed for $1479, was very cutting edge, very European, especially compared to the huge cars that were being produced at the time," says Hill, who will be showing his 1959 Nash Metropolitan at this year's Pacific Coast Dream Machines Show, April 27-28 at Half Moon Bay Airport.
"I just knew that someday, I'd have one of my own."
Hill was so convinced he'd one day find a Metropolitan to call his own, he even cleared a space in his "carage" so that he'd be ready for his Nash when he found it.
Wild Bill's Nash Metropolitan rigged with flame thrower
Never one to do anything half-way—nearly every inch of Hill's body has been inked with an elaborate maze of intricate images that has landed him numerous covers on magazines such as Skin Art and Tattoo—Wild Bill has added a very modern touch to his classic car that is guaranteed to make eyes pop.
"I've fitted the rear of the car with a propane-powered, 15-foot flame thrower and look forward to firing it up, safely, at the show," he explains.
It took him six years and at least one severely singed eyebrow to accomplish this feat, but Wild Bill says it was totally worth the effort.
"It comes in handy when people are tailgating me."
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